2023 pamela reed award winner, Ava Letinich (center). she is joined by liuna nw regional vice president bob abbott (left), former business manager of the washington and northern idaho district council of laborers dave letinich (second Left), pamela reed (right center), current business manager of the washington and northern idaho district council of laborers stacy martin (second right) and proud father, 335 member and assistant political director for the washington and northern idaho district council of laborers deken letinich (right).

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W. Vernie Reed Scholarship:
A scholarship program for certain members of the Laborers’ International Union has been established as a living memorial to the late W. Vernie Reed, General Secretary-Treasurer of the International Union.

Through the generosity of Brother Reed’s friends and associates, a self perpetuating fund will provide a program of yearly scholarships to assist eligible worthy students in furthering their four (4) year undergraduate education. The first award was made in the Spring of 1981. Scholarships are usually awarded before July.

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce it will be awarding the following scholarships:

  • One $10,000 scholarship, Pamela Reed winner

  • One $8,500 scholarship, Chuck Barnes winner

  • Twenty-two (22) $5,500 Local Union scholarships 

  • Six (6) $5,500 scholarships for the District Councils and Western Canada Subregional Office 

  • Up to ten (10) $4,500, At-Large scholarships

Just like last year, if no application or qualified applicant is received from a Local Union, that Local Union’s $5,500 scholarship will be available to another Local Union.

We are excited to be able to offer these scholarships this year and look forward to reviewing all applications submitted.  We urge each applicant, though, to make sure they review their application thoroughly before submission.  You do not want to be disqualified on a technicality.

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Please note – ONLY original applications will be accepted.  Fax and photocopies are no longer accepted.

Please note – The applications will request an email address for all applicants.