Congratulations to the 2023 scholarship recipients!

Local 238: Haylee Appleford

Local 242: Daniella Meza & Irelyn Lamoureux

Local 252: Lexie Padilla

Local 292: Tessa Smith

Local 335: Kaylee Sellers

Local 348: Easton Espinoza & Jacey Golden

At Large Recipients: Fred Ayala (242), Esteban Manzano (242), Nelson Asher (348) & Jayleigh Butler (348)

Apply Here!

Washington & Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers’ Scholarship Program:
A separate scholarship program for those members of the Laborers’ International Union who have maintained membership in any of the Washington State Local Unions.

The members of the Washington Locals have funded this scholarship program since 1999 to assist eligible students in furthering their education. Scholarships will usually be awarded each year before June graduation exercises.

For 2025:
The District Council is pleased to offer six (6) Local Union scholarships of $6,000 each and six (6) at-large scholarships of $4,000 each. Applications are due by April 1, 2025.

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Please note – ONLY original applications will be accepted.  Fax and photocopies are no longer accepted.